Start your career with Optometry
There are millions of people who suffer from eye defects in our country.
- Placement as consultant optometrist in leading eye hospitals like Vasan Eye Care.
- Placement as optometrists in leading optical chains.
- Placement in independent eye hospital, eye clinics and optical outlets.
- Potential to set up own optometry clinics/ optical outlets.
- Placement in professional marketing, sales, research & development of optical/ ophthalmic manufacturing industries like Essilor, Bausch + Lomb, Alcon, Vision Rx, Aurolab, etc.
- Placement as faculty in academic institutions like Bejan Singh Institute of Ophthalmology.
- Placement in central or state government hospitals and health centers.
- Can pursue post graduate programs including PhD and other fellowship programs in optometry in and outside India, and involve in basic science and clinical research.
- Can pursue post graduate programs in hospital management, clinical research & regulatory affairs, pharma business management, ocularistry and many others.
- Job opportunities in other countries like Middle-east, UK, etc.